Sailor of the Month award (SOMA) Sail Canada acknowledges the achievements of sailors from Canada. The award recognizes sailors who are associated with the sailing sport in all its forms. The latest recipient of this award is, Some of the selected, determined and motivated Laser, sailors of Laser 4.7, Laser Radial and laser gathered in […]
Loch Lomond Yacht
Yachting into Tranquility
Category: Uncategorized
Mirabaud Sailing Video Award Being – It Is The Time To Videos
Sailing Video Award second edition is underway and now people are preparing their best sailing video all filmed this year to submit in this award. This is the award that rewards the best sailing video that is produced by professional filmmakers. The winner of the award gets a special prize.
Antigua Sailing Week 2018 Move Into New Era
The Antigua Sailing Week (ASW) in 2018 has now moved into a new era as the beginning of the next 50 years of racing started off from April 28th will conclude on May 4th. According to the anticipations of a week, this professionally managed racing fleet is taking the shape well and things are getting […]
Loch Lomond Yacht
Loch Lomond Yacht